I.E. Remodeling Solutions a Division of David Fabbo
General Contractor - Lic # Vh 02190800 - 1-877-322-2699
Concrete Roofs
Concrete Roof Maintenance
Concrete Roof Repair
Learn how to make spot repairs to your concrete roof. Serviceable repairs will save you money when it is time for the roof to be coated. (Please Read Below)
Concrete Roof Restoration
Add 10 or more years to your concrete roof with our concrete roof restoration system. Get a seamless roof without costly tear off and disruption. Stop roof leaks and prevent further degradation.
Known Problems with Concrete Roofing
Stress Cracks
Fine hairline cracks that appear on the surface of concrete usually caused by temperature changes.
Concrete Roof Coating & Repair
This short video below shows you how concrete roof coating is done.
Reflectivity of Concrete Roofs
The solar reflectivity of concrete roofs depends on the color of the surface.
Concrete roofs absorb solar heat and slowly release it at night. This stored heat can severely degrade the performance of airconditioning equipment.
Elastomeric coating provide the highest reflectivity and is a very popular option for building owners. Leaks in concrete roofs are difficult to isolate and a seamless roof coating system is the best alternative to roof replacement. White roof coating can reflect up to 90% of the heat from the sun
Why Consider a Concrete Roof Coating Application?
A concrete roof coating can stop roof leaks. Concrete flat roofs are porous and prone to hairline cracks.Moisure in the concrete roof slab can corrode rebars and cause structural damage. Concrete roofs are excellent heat batteries. They store the sun's heat during the daytime and slowly release it at night which can take up to 4 hours after sunset. Reflecting 90% of the heat will reduce cooling costs.
BEFORE: This reinforced concrete roof has roof leaks in several locations. The concrete roof already had a thin cementitious type of waterproofing material installed but it wasn't working very well. It is not a dark colored roof but it gets pretty hot in the summer. The owners were unable to locate the source of the leaks so they decided to apply a seamless elastomeric membrane on the entire concrete roof.
Concrete Roof Restoration Process
Cleaning and Surface Preparation
The entire concrete roof was thoroughly washed using a 3,000 psi pressure washer. A biodegradeable degreaser was used to ensure a clean surface. All seams, flashings and penetrations were carefully sealed to render the roof watertight.
Priming ensures a good adhesion between the concrete roof surface and the elastomeric coating.
Top Coating
30 dry mils of elastomeric roof coating is applied on the entire concrete roof in 2 coats
AFTER: A leak-free, seamless roofing membrane now covers the concrete roof. The cool roof coating reflects about 90% of the heat from the sun. It looks brand new but performs better than new.
Contact Us Today
At David Fabbo can meet all your home improvement needs. No job is too large or too small. Call us at 877-322-2699 or 908-212-1249 to set up a meeting and get an estimate for your job. Or email us by clicking on this link: Home Improvement Estimate
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